Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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Assembly Source File
145 lines
title 'QUIKFLOP.ASM by Dave Williams, 11/24/1988 ver 2.00'
comment / This program was written and assembled with MASM 5.1. Since it
doesn't use any of the special directives from MASM 5.x, it should
assemble under any earlier version.
The JMP SHORT (label) instructions are to tell the assembler that
this is a near jump, which saves a bit of code space. Plus MASM
5.1 bitches and moans about it.
Version 2.00 at the request of Mike Arst in Seattle, who for some
reason wanted to restore his floppies to their defaults for something.
cseg segment para public 'code'
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg,es:cseg
main proc far
org 100h
start: jmp begin
lf equ 0Ah ;ASCII for linefeed
cr equ 0Dh ;ASCII for carriage return
bel equ 07h ;ASCII bell character
logon db 'QuikFlop v2.00 Copyright (c) Dave Williams 1988',cr,lf,'$'
logoff db lf,' Diskette parameters changed',cr,lf,'$'
help db ' Syntax: quikflop /Q /R ',cr,lf
db ' /Q speeds up floppy drive',cr,lf
db ' /R resets to IBM defaults',cr,lf,'$'
IBM db lf,' Parameters reset to IBM defaults',cr,lf,'$'
badparm db bel,'Bad Parameter',cr,lf,'$'
defname db 'NUL',2 dup (0) ;make larger for more params later
mov dx,offset logon ;say hello and display copyright
mov ah,09h ;DOS function to display a string
int 21h ;call DOS
cmp byte ptr ds:[80h],0 ;any command line parameter chars?
jz help_msg ;no, show them the help screen
cmp byte ptr ds:[81h],'/' ;is first character a slash?
jz get_toggle ;yes, go get toggle char(s)
read_data: mov si,82h ;see if there're any parameters
mov bx,offset defname ;point bx to defname
; get toggle character(s)
lodsb ;load next byte & INC SI
cmp al,'/' ;is it a toggle character?
jz get_toggle ;yes, so try again
and al,95 ;capitalize (if it gets here, it's the char after a /)
cmp al,'Q' ;gimme an Q?
jz setparms ;set parms to generalized fast mode
cmp al,'R' ;gimme an R?
jz reset_IBM ;reset parms to IBM defaults
mov dx,offset badparm ;beep 'em and say there's a problem
mov ah,09h ;DOS function to display a string
int 21h ;call DOS
jmp short help_msg ;give 'em the help message again
;let's do it
; begin BIOS table modification (the GUTS!)
push ds ;save for linkage
xor ax,ax ;clear for return
push ax ;put in stack
push ds ;modify diskette parameters
mov ds,ax ;offset into disk table
lds di,dword ptr ds:78h ;address of disk table
mov byte ptr [di],175 ;modify step rate (normal 239)
mov byte ptr [di+2],5 ;and motor stop delay (normal 37)
mov byte ptr [di+0Ch],0 ;and head settle time (normal 15-25)
mov byte ptr [di+10h],1 ;motor start time, 1/8 sec increments
int 13h ;reset diskette system
pop ds ;clear the stack
; tell 'em we're done and goodbye
mov dx,offset logoff ;tell 'em we're through
mov ah,09h ;DOS function to display a string
int 21h ;call DOS
jmp short exitok
; begin BIOS table modification (same routine as setparms)
push ds ;save for linkage
xor ax,ax ;clear for return
push ax ;put in stack
push ds ;modify diskette parameters
mov ds,ax ;offset into disk table
lds di,dword ptr ds:78h ;address of disk table
mov byte ptr [di],239 ;reset step rate (normal 239)
mov byte ptr [di+2],37 ;and motor stop delay (normal 37)
mov byte ptr [di+0Ch],25 ;and head settle time (normal 15-25)
mov byte ptr [di+10h],2 ;motor start time, 1/8 sec increments
pop ds ;clear the stack
mov dx,offset IBM ;tell 'em we reset everything
mov ah,09h ;DOS function to display a string
int 21h ;call DOS
jmp short exitok
mov dx,offset help ;tell 'em about the program
mov ah,9
int 21h
jmp short exitok
; exit to DOS
exitok: mov al,0 ;set errorlevel to 0
mov ah,04Ch ;exit w/errorlevel
int 21h
main endp
cseg ends
end start
table of data on diskette parameter table:
Interrupt 1Eh Vector of Diskette Controller Parameters
(0:0078h) Dword address points to data base table that is used by BIOS.
Default location is at 0F000:0EFC7h. 11-byte table format:
00h 4-bit step rate, 4-bit head unload time
01h 7-bit head load time, 1-bit DMA flag
02h 54.9254 ms counts - delay till motor off (37-38 typ)
03h sector size:
00h 128 bytes
01h 256 bytes
02h 512 bytes
03h 1024 bytes
04h last sector on track (8 or 9 typical)
05h gap between sectors on read/write (42 typical)
06h data length for DMA transfers (0FFh typical)
07h gap length between sectors for format (80 typical)
08h sector fill byte for format (0F6h typical)
09h head settle time (in milliseconds) (15 to 25 typical)
DOS 1.0 0
DOS 2.10 15
DOS 3.1 1 (allegedly)
10h motor start time (in 1/8 second intervals) (2 to 4 typ.)
DOS 2.10 2